The tripod working station converts your thread cleaner into a mobile working station that can be used to clean bolts on any desired location. The Tripod is designed to suit all of BoltClean external thread cleaners from the ARG and ARM series. The Tripod comes with a ground plate on which the operator stands during operation. The weight of the operator makes sure that The Tripod is always stable, even when cleaning large bolts and studs. The included foot pedal switch ensures easy operation and keeps the operator away from any moving parts.
Machined brushing of bolts and studs with The Tripod bolt cleaner makes your cleaning process up to 10 times faster. Furthermore, it will lead to better cleaning results than hand brushing, Die Nuts, or sand blasting.
The Tripod is also available with extra support for heavier bolts.
Article number: XTPD
Advantages of the Tripod
Suits every standard external thread cleaner that is in our portfolio
Extremely lightweight and portable. Ready to brush in just 1 minute